So WhaleOil busts open another political can of wrigglers. DOTCOMs plans are now public for all to see.
Well sort of. Bradbury has not written a political strategy as much as he has written a very crap comms and engagement plan built round a launch. We don't know what the party will really do apart from fight some issues like the GCSB bill repeal and that it wants to position itself as a political kingmaker.
The name "internet party" reminds me of a idea a few IT peeps looked at over 13 years ago. They bought me on board to look at how we could make the idea fly. Basically it was a party where the members would vote on issues on line and that would give their MP's a mandate issue by issue.
It was a bit before its time as social media, those days was a descriptor of a gossip columns in the local paper. It didn't get off the ground because everyone involved was short of the cash needed to pull it together.
So maybe Kim is thinking along similar lines. Not so much a party for the people but a party of the people
It has been interesting listening and watching commentators totally dismissing the Internet Party. I was talking to a mate today who like me believes that no-one should write off this digital political spawn.
Its because we both see how cynical GenY are. These digital natives distrust everything and they hate most the things which impinge on their ability to move around on the net sucking up what the want when they want at the least cost.
The reason we think the Internet Party has a chance is simple. DotComm literally has a big following on the net - close to 350 thousand on twitter and around 20 thousand on Facebook. He is seen by the GenYers as the man who is fighting against big business, fighting what they see as Big Brother Governments and fighting for their freedom in their new digital playground.
Everyday I watch in despair as young smart men and women, successful and educated , swear their allegiance to Dotcom.
He is the ante hero they can identify with, a victim of what they see as tyranny, a winner, a master of the digital universe and irreverent. GenY struggles to take anything really seriously unless its something that impinges on what they see as their freedoms. So they revere him . They see him as the only one who is fighting for their freedom on the net - the place they are most at home.
DotComm knows how to deploy the net, and that means he can harness this large group of normally apathetic voters by taking the one election issue they care about their digital freedom direct to them - And he can talk to them on their smartphones and they can talk to him. Interactive politics has come of age.
While Bradbury may be v keen to be part Kims party I would doubt that the paper that has been leaked is much more than a ham fisted touting for some work.
Alistair Thompsons involvement is much more interesting. He does understand the net and his undisguised admiration for Dot Comm in the past means it comes as no surprise he is jumping ship. He sees himself as a fighter for internet freedom . DotCom is his general.
I struggle to see why anyone cannot see that there is a serious possibility that after the next election - Key maybe sitting down thrashing out a coalition with DotCom. Wonder who will be sweating then?
RMA REPLACEMENT: The good, the bad, and the cattle
19 minutes ago
Yeah, Bradbury is a wannabe strategist. Not the legend he thinks he is.
Kinda funny watching the naysayers from the old and tired. Geny and and others are motivated by the freedoms associated with the net.
Amazing also that those same people cannot see that has beens like Labour and Boag and many others seem to be so blind minded that their attitiude of sharing and ruling are theirs to do. Only 3 people in the last 45 years have made changes to politics in NZ. Bob Jones, richard Preeble and Roger Douglas. The rest have simply played follow the party line and stuff the voter.
Key has started out ok but ultimately got twited by the presure groups.
Time for a change. Time for a new way of politics as well.
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