Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Courtesy of Stuff
just the sort of light relief we need after the earth shaking financial news today...
Hat Tip Home Paddock
Its seems like common sense talk to me. Click here
Print it and read it in bed tonite.
Nz has done really well at another international wine competition
The International Wine and Spirit Competition gold medals for NZ wines:
· Remarkable Gibbston Valley Pinot Noir Central Otago 2006 yip nice
· Astrolabe Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2008 ditto
· Drumsara Ventifacts Block Pinot Noir Central Otago 2007 never heard of it
· Koura Bay Blue Duck Awatere Valley Pinot Noir Marlborough 2005 never drunk it
· Villa Maria Reserve Pinot Noir Marlborough 2007 ditto
· Mount Difficulty Roaring Meg Pinot Noir Central Otago 2007 yummo
· Tohu Rore Pinot Noir Marlborough 2006 very yummo
· Waipara Hills Southern Cross Selection Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2007 a goody
· Saint Clair Pioneer Block 6 Wairau Valley Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2008 haven't tried it
· Saint Clair Pioneer Block 12 Gewürztraminer Marlborough 2007 ditto
· Spy Valley Riesling Marlborough 2007 v classy

Bugger me, its about time Hooton and I had lunch again - he's getting all the good goss. Read his post on the shaky future of Peter Dunne.
Looks like Dunney's in the shit... so to speak.. the Nats are looking to clean up in Ohariu Belmont.
Katrina Shanks must be doing the biz with the door knocking... Go girl...

And thats not easy to do -
Seems as if it wont be a buck naked free for all on Wellington Beaches after all according to reports from the Hive
So we gals will never get to see the likes of this - SHAME!
Its Jimungo find it here
seems to be based on Virtual Rugby - anyway you get to vote every week in a new election...
Roarprawn challenges every other VRWC site to make there picks - drinks on the loser ...
He give his analysis ( cock-eyed view ) of the the decision by Clark not to appear with the Minor Parties on TV3.
He reckons it is Okay for the Clark to lie.
Well he might think so but we here at the Prawn have our moral compasses set differently.
I'm with Whale Oil - A lie is a lie.
Whale calls it mendacity which is a very elegant way of saying what Clark said was a crock of shit.
It is sobering - he says we are " toying with depression" if something isn't done to sort out the financial mess that is America..
Clark and the Truth are strangers
Not a good look.
Heres the pertinent bit.
"Clark doesn't want to share the stage with these minor parties, she's talked Key into it," he (Mark Jennings tv3) said on Radio New Zealand.
try Business Day and NBR - both have excellent coverage
and the Herald has a good local take as well especially the comment from Gareth Morgan who says we will be impacted..
This just in from NBR on the Maori Party... and the REAL negotiations between the Nats and the Maori party

MacDoctor says there were 4 reported deaths and 158 with renal failure and it was expected more of those babies would die.
So there should be a lot more deaths and a lot more news ..
Eric is planting trees to offset his electoral carbon emissions. I think Eric is a lovely big huggie bear and an tireless local Mp but seriously this is a crock.
Invercargill MP Eric Roy kicked off a carbon-neutral campaign for re-election yesterday by planting trees in Queens Park.
Mr Roy planted 20 native podocarps near the animal enclosures on the Queens Dr side of the park yesterday afternoon.
The 20 trees would be more than enough to offset the carbon emissions produced while travelling around the electorate, he said.
Mr Roy drives a 3-litre diesel Hilux. He estimated he would travel 1500km during the next 40 days.
"There's a bit of driving ... we've made the best attempts to work out what we need to do and work out how to meet that requirement." The calculations were based on the estimate the emissions of an average household per year could be offset by planting four trees, he said.
The campaign would produce an estimated 430kg of carbon dioxide, while each tree would offset 250kg during its growing life, he said.
"I'm significantly under the estimation." Campaign materials would also be printed on recycled paper, which would cost 30 percent more than normal paper, he said.
The campaign had not been registered with carboNZero, a branch of Crown Research Institute Landcare Research, he said.
CarbonNZero technical manager Ann Smith declined to comment on Mr Roy's campaign as it was political.
Invercargill's Green Party candidate Craig Carson applauded Mr Roy's attempt to go carbon neutral.
"I think it's great that he's doing it. How well it works or not I'm not sure." Mr Carson said that because he worked fulltime and had limited resources, he was not able to follow suit.

All wellington beaches are nude zones .. woohoo !!!
This has the full endorsement of Roarprawn.
Heres the yarn at the Dominion -
This is why PR gets a bad name - this is a classic example of the dark arts, and at a time when New Zealand and Fonterra need informed media coverage we get this pap. Here's what the Herald had this morning.
More than half of Chinese consumers have less trust in New Zealand dairy produce because of the poisonous-milk powder crisis engulfing Fonterra, says a survey by Sinogie Consulting.
This is the worrying bit.
Fonterra's 43 per cent-owned Chinese dairy company San Lu is one of 22 firms caught up in the scandal over the industrial chemical melamine being added to watered-down milk to boost apparent protein levels. The contamination has made tens of thousands of infants ill and killed at least four.
Sinogie, a Hong Kong company, commissioned a survey of 300 shoppers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou between September 22 and 25 and found 51.2 per cent had less trust in New Zealand dairy produce.
Wow that's a big survey.!
Sinogie chief executive Bruce McLaughlin was surprised the figure was not higher.
"What it suggests to me is that people are still seeing this as a San Lu problem."
Suggests???! A hint perhaps - and a nice time for a another brand to infuse the market.
There was not much damage to Fonterra at present but that could change in the long term.
"I would say that Fonterra has to keep its head very low in China at the moment. I think if they start shouting too loudly about the Chinese authorities being to blame, then the Chinese authorities will react and it won't be pretty."
More than half the respondents (56.2 per cent) said they had been buying more foreign-branded dairy produce since the scandal broke, while 79.8 per cent were worried that all brands of infant formula, domestic and foreign, could be contaminated.
New Zealand came second behind the European Union when people were asked to rank food from markets for trustworthiness.
"I think New Zealand itself enjoys such a strong brand that while Fonterra is obviously probably your biggest food company, I think people will still have a lot of faith in other New Zealand brands."
Mr McLaughlin said he had seen many companies run into difficulty in China.
"I think that people are blinded by this idea of mysterious China still. Because of that they don't think that they should go in with the same level of caution [as if] investing in Australia or America or somewhere like that."
A Fonterra spokesman said the company approached its investment in San Lu very cautiously.
"Fonterra has been doing business in China for over 20 years so the company was well aware of not just the business but also the wider political and cultural complexities of operating as a foreign company in China."
Fonterra undertook very deliberate and careful due diligence before making the decision to invest, he said.
Its strategy was to progressively upgrade operations and it had also begun a plan to introduce better-quality milk to the supply chain by investing in its first farm in China.
"However, in moving to steadily improve San Lu's quality-control systems, it was impractical to be in a position to protect 100 per cent against all risks to San Lu's supply chain such as a deliberate criminal contamination
Monday, 29 September 2008
We can only wonder who this was from and how much and has he still declared all of it?????New Zealand First leader Winston Peters received an additional donation from the Spencer Trust in the past three years, his party says.
A majority of MPs voted last week to endorse a recommendation from Parliament's privileges committee that Mr Peters file amended returns for 2006, 2007 and 2008 within a week.
That was after it found he misled Parliament by failing to declare a $100,000 donation to his legal fees from expatriate billionaire Owen Glenn in December 2005.
A spokesman for Mr Peters today said he had met the deadline and had filed new returns, which included another donation from the Spencer Trust.
Sad really because as any toxicologist will tell you its the dose that's important . So traces of Melamine, which wont impact on human health, will undoubtedly be used as trade barriers around the world.
The Aussie Rock and I have a block of lovely land and a really big shed with a really big bed just north of Masterton so I was delighted to read about the new air service on STUFF this morning .
Kate takes the piss - but hell the Wairarapa is a very happening place, lots of very eligible bachelors over there and plenty of married men who are looking for a bit of off the radar action so if i was her I would be jetting in as soon as she gets a long weekend.
ROARPRAWN is anti tobacco and this issue is about the impact tobacco has on kids.
Shame on the Nats - they reckon they need more evidence - wrong - the evidence presented was damning.
This from Business Day
"A Parliamentary committee says the Government should ban tobacco and cigarette displays in shops.
The Health Committee made the recommendation after considering a petition signed by more than 20,000 people in support of the ban.
The National Party, in a minority view, said there needed to be more evidence before implementing a ban.
There was already a ban on advertising tobacco products but they could still be displayed in shops.
The Health Ministry said there were over 10,000 retail outlets selling tobacco products, usually displayed in large highly visible units.
The New Zealand Association of Convenience Stores said tobacco products accounted for about 37 percent of members' annual sales.
The association said financial incentives offered to retailers by tobacco companies were confidential.
The ministry is looking at whether such arrangements are allowed, under smokefree legislation."
And this from the TVNZ Sunday programme - Kids are attracted by the displays in shops.
This legislation still allows tobacco to be sold - it just doesnt allow it to be displayed..
EXPAT TAKE ON NZ - Letter from Tokyo
Letter from Tokyo
I always see NZ as home but can see no compelling reason to return (I still have recurring nightmares of sheep breaking out of electric fences onto fresh swedes so I have issues, I admit). I definitely won't be coming back if Labour get back in for another three years and after that it may not be worth coming back at all.
I was out and about in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago and bumped into a fellow NZ'er and we ended up swilling a few beers and swapping tales and I posed the hypothetical scenario to him - Imagine what NZ would be like, if all the kiwis who had left over the last 20 years had never done so.
I reckoned there would be upwards of a million, motivated and skilled people (including their kids, who are first generation nationals of another country now) who would otherwise be the engine room of our society, who have buggered off in similar fashion to myself. Look at the number of first generation Kiwi/Australians who are starting to play for the Wallabies now.
I reckon it's a tragedy and somehow we need a vision to bring those people home. I don't want to bash immigration because it's important too but with the family and friend networks expats have as opposed to immigrants you would see New Zealand really rock.
Yip he is right... We could rock - we just need some inspirational leadership.
But this is from the Sinogie website...That lists their client projects
Sinogie Dairy manufacturer
Research into the current and potential market for processed cheese and other dairy products in China: investigation of current and potential size of the consumer and institutional markets; research into national and regional eating habits and taste preferences; information on current and future government dairy industry policies; identification and evaluation of over 30 dairies which could be local manufacturing partners or acquisition targets.
This is a good example of the dark arts of PR. Fonterra can expect more.
There has been some high level talk about how to consolidate some departments, ministries and organisations.
Getting rid of Women's Affairs is top of my agenda - as is Families Commission - They should be folded back into the Super Social Development Ministry.
Its big, but it largely does a reasonable job.
Ministry for the Environment could be devolved into both Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and DOC without too much trouble.
But the one that is being talked about openly, is the amalgamation of MORST, FORST and Trade and Enterprise. There are suggestions that if he is returned Pete Hodgson is planning a significant change of his own, a merger of the three. Collaboration between the three has increased this year and Hodgson wants more efficiencies.
Trade and Enterprise is the logical umbrella for the other two as it will give them a sharper commercial focus.
Nice summary from Matthew Dearnley of the Herald
Basically - Labour claims the credit for getting free and cheap transport for the oldies.
Nary a mention of NZ First - and Clark can afford to ditch him now she has all the legislation she needs.
Anyone up for a bet?
Silly and very nasty people.
Heres more at Whale Oil
taxpayers dollars used to hire NZ First heavies
The Dom has this
NZ First staffer 'leaned on' Flavell
NZ First's mysterious Tauranga staff member, Tommy Gear, was used to lean on the Maori Party to get it to change its parliamentary voting stance against Winston Peters.
The Dominion Post understands Mr Gear had a meeting with Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell in Rotorua last weekend.
It is believed that Mr Gear put pressure on Mr Flavell to vote along ethnic lines to oppose the vote censuring NZ First leader Mr Peters in Parliament on Tuesday.
The ploy did not work as the Maori Party, along with National, the Greens, UnitedFuture, ACT and independent MPs Gordon Copeland and Taito Phillip Field, voted to censure Mr Peters over a $100,000 donation from billionaire expatriate Owen Glenn.
After the vote, Mr Peters accused the Maori Party of "treachery", saying he was shocked Maori would not back Maori.
Mr Peters said yesterday he was not going to waste his time commenting on "mindless speculation" about a possible meeting.
He denied any knowledge of the meeting and said he had no intention of talking to Mr Gear about it.
Mr Gear, who has received hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars from Parliamentary Service for a job many in NZ First know little about, did not return calls yesterday.
Its about time that someone found out just who Tommy Gear is.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Polls all good - Nats still in front - from TV3
Nats up 1 to 49%.
Labour down 1 to 36%,
Greens 5%.
NZ First 3%
Maori no change at 2%.
Act No change at 2%
Winston , tired and throwing narcissistic tantrums on TVNZ Agenda
More of the same but - two points of note
The first -the best line from Guyon Espiner
I'm actually asking the questions here Mr Peters, if you want to be a journalist then you can halve your salary go to polytech learn shorthand and actually swap sides with me…
This gem from Winston on who will vote for him.
"We'll go strongly after the vote right across the country in this election and particularly in the areas where we believe we are strong, but we're not ruling any vote out, there are people who are millionaires who will vote for New Zealand First in this campaign."
Yip Winnie we know ALL the millionaires who will vote for you -
Racing magnates , fishing magnates, Boxing promoters and people on parliamentary services payrolls like Tommy Gear.
Nationals Maori Policy - will be music to the Maori Party
Heres a summary and some comment
Putting a big focus on investment in education, including national standards, trades in schools, our Youth Guarantee, promoting greater participation in early childhood education through Kohanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa, and expanding Te Kotahitanga.
Good stuff - Maori have developed these educational institutions and any investment here will benefit Maori and NZ
• Improving health and housing outcomes for Maori, including working with Maori health providers and Maori collectives on housing.
Good idea - and when it comes to health there are some good community models that can be replicated -
• Working to increase investment in Maori assets and enterprises, including working with iwi enterprises and their leaders to help overcome barriers to economic development.
Good stuff but these have to be real with real futures - not just work for work sake.
• Acknowledging the importance of Maori language and culture, including committing to Maori broadcasting and the promotion of Maori language, arts and culture.
Yip it is now being quietly woven into the fabric of New Zealand
• Working with Te Puni Kokiri to strengthen and expand successful and proven Maori-led programmes to advance outcomes for Maori.
TPK needs to pull its socks up - its still very policy centric - I see the hand of Hekia Parata over this one.
"The settlement of historic Treaty grievances is very important to the National Party.
"National's record in the Treaty area in government in the 1990s is a proud one.
"National intends to devote fresh energy and leadership to advancing Treaty settlements, and aims to achieve just and durable settlements of all historic Treaty claims by 2014.
Good - the quicker the better ...
Overall some good stuff.
blogging under threat
Bummer.. I quite like the free for all format. Its a bit like the rules of parliament - without having to be an MP.
And I see Poneke's being all pious.. now Poneke is a delightfully elegant writer who loves things that go click, whir and bang but he's a bit off beam on the hoax story.
Im with Queen Bee, at the Hive
I think the issue would be sorted quite quicklyif the police were given the matter to examine.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
when the going gets tough - Vote National
This in Stuff this morning
Cullen 'beyond comfort zone'
Government debt is blowing out and Finance Minister Michael Cullen admits being "beyond my comfort zone" as the economic contraction starts to bite.
Yip its easy to manage things when the books are good.
Statistics NZ confirmed yesterday a recession, with the economy shrinking 0.2 per cent in the June quarter, after a decline of 0.3 per cent in the three months to March.
We are only starting to feel the pinch here - retailers and restaurateurs are really starting to feel the downturn.
Dr Cullen said the forecast level of debt was "not a pretty picture" and would exceed his target of 20 per cent of gross domestic product when the Treasury opened the books on Monday week.
That's not rocket science Cullen.
He had said at the time of the May Budget, with a cash deficit of $3.5 billion a year for the next four years, that he was "at the edge of my comfort zone".
"Yes, I would say that I am beyond my comfort zone on Monday week so it is going to be important over the next three years for government to very carefully manage its accounts and not to add to those fiscal pressures." He expected a third consecutive quarter of contraction in September, but said growth was likely to resume in the last three months of 2008.
I cant see growth resuming for at least 6 months - we are in for a rough ride - batten down the hatches and hold on tight.
New Zealand's economic fortune largely depended on the United States sorting out its financial crisis and putting confidence back into markets. Without that there would be a severe international slowdown.
And they are all over the paddock - at a time of their greatest peacetime crisis US politicians wont play nicely - and we will feel the financial tsunami from here .
pot calling kettle.
Heres the Herald story as to why he voted the way he did.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Salt laden teaser

There is a ripple on calm waters and over the next couple of weeks the denizens of the deep will surface.
Whale has the goods on Winnies Las Vegas Trip
He said he paid the money back? Who to and Why?
Was it someone connected to
Racing ?
Seafood ?
From Whaleoil
Question: What was the Minister’s itinerary and what was the cost broken down by flights and accommodation and other expenses for his trip to Europe in April and May last year for the Anzac Day commemorations and European Union Business as described in the Herald on Sunday 14 September 2008 and what were the places visited each day?
Minister: Rt Hon Helen Clark
Date Lodged:15/09/2008
Answer Text: An itinerary for the travel is attached. Airfares for the Minister and accompanying party were $57,357 and other costs, including accommodation, were $36,656.70.
Question: Did the Minister pay directly for his flight from Berlin to Las Vegas for the Oscar de la Hoya vs. Floyd Mayweather fight and then to return to his official itinerary as described in the Herald on Sunday 14 September 2008 or did he reimburse either Ministerial Travel or Foreign Affairs; if so, when was the reimbursement made?
Minister: Rt Hon Helen Clark
Date Lodged:15/09/2008
Answer Text: I am advised that no reimbursement was made to Ministerial Services nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as neither agency paid for the flights referred to.
Oh dear, but Winston has said to reporters that he repaid it, looks like another pork pie from Winston Raymond peters, 63, List MP of no fixed abode. Questions still remain over who actually did pay for his junket. We now know it wasn’t Winston.
Fonterra milk scandal sours
Strange land and all that - but this latest revelation about bacterial contamination is bad and as MACDOCTOR points out - its still seems that the directors dont know or cant find out what is going on ...
Fonterra’s China dream is finished.
Future investors must learn Fonterra’s lesson well. When you are dealing with an authoritarian society where face-saving is the norm, you must expect that mistakes and bad news will always be covered up. This is not to say that the Chinese are dishonest, far from it, they just have away of handling failure that confuses us. The type of transparency that you see in New Zealand, where even the Leader of the Opposition fronts up and apologises, is one that is unique to the West. Trade with China is certainly possible. Participation in joint ventures will require some work on both of our parts.
Homepaddock also has a good take on this issue...
As does Inquiring Mind who says SanLu is going cheap.
And I will now admit their PR sucks.
VRWC knew about this one as well
Steamy Boy cooks up a good moral tale
The ant and the grasshopper
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
TV1, TV3 and Maori TV show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. New Zealand is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Sue Bradford stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, 'We shall overcome.'
Michael Cullen exclaims in an interview with John Campbell that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share as the ant is too much of a 'Rich Prick.'
Finally, the Labour Party drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
Winston gets his old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of judges that Helen appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.
The ant loses the case.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighbourhood.
Be VERY careful how you vote in 2008!!
The cost of a course of Herceptin
See Queen Bee for more details
To important matters of international relations aka A Cuzzie Bro Boxing on
A few people have asked me why would someone do this ?
I suspect its little boys, or maybe (little girls who dont like boys) who maybe good at tactics and not at strategy -and probably have no morals....
I cant think why they would do what they have done to this particular MP. He is a good bastard as I said when I posted on this issue... I also said at the time I was suspicious of the original allegation but I wasn't of the allegation of police interference and that probably has a lot to do with the distrust , I am sad to say, of what I see as a politicised police force.
I am just glad the story was being followed up by journalists with integrity - I know that as a former journalist I would have followed through with it as well. I have had my share of false leads in the past ...
I just hope that someone takes the people who did this and gives them a bloody good whupping.
Labour extremists planned to sacrifice MP in smear campaign.
We weren't prepared to - we would not use the name until it had been thoroughly investigated.
Did Labour ever think about what would happen when this MP's name was released?
did they every think of the pressure he was under as journalists came knocking asking about his sex life?
The emails will be released to journalists who I am sure will follow this up with renewed vigour.
Taking down your opponents is one thing but taking down one of your own to prove a point???
Sick - very very sick.
Wit from the Deep South

VERY good cartoon from Southland Times Chicane aka - Mark Winter. He is a good bastard ... dabbled in local politics in Southland - and an award winning cartoonist.
Heavy weight support for SFO
Maori Party doesnt TRUST Clark NZ First Axis.
Ouch --- from a very genteel maori, this is not very nice.
This from Stuff Sharples: Clark nears 'end of her time'
The Maori Party has indicated it is positioning itself for a possible support deal with National after the November 8 election.
Party co-leader Pita Sharples said he was no longer sure if he trusted Prime Minister Helen Clark, and said she was nearing the end of her time.
"She has been a great leader; she has done great things for the country," Dr Sharples said in an interview recorded yesterday for TVNZ 7. "But maybe she is nearing the end of her time."
Recent events in Parliament showed Miss Clark was clinging to power, he said.
"She is appearing quite desperate ... she is behaving like someone who is really, really desperate to get back into Parliament at any cost."
and of course if they Trust National I get my Hill of Grace!
Polls from the Herald still has the Nats ahead
It appears that the transrail share gaffe by Key didn't impact on voters .... They still trust him.
this from the Herald -
By Audrey YoungThe political divisions and allegiances triggered by the furore over secret donations to New Zealand First and leader Winston Peters have had little effect on party standings in the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey.
Support for National, which has said it would not work with New Zealand First after the election, has risen slightly, by 1.4 percentage points, to 51.4 per cent of decided voters.
This would give it 68 seats in Parliament - enough for it to govern without a coalition partner.
Labour, which aligned itself with Mr Peters, is down 0.6 points to 35.7 per cent.
New Zealand First is up by 0.7 but to only 2.8 per cent - not enough for it to stay in Parliament after the November 8 election without winning an electorate seat.
The Green Party has slipped under the 5 per cent threshold, and at 4.9 per cent would also be a casualty without an electorate.
Mr Peters' standing in the preferred Prime Minister poll has fallen, by 1.6 points.
But Prime Minister Helen Clark and National leader John Key have also slipped.
The two main-party leaders are close as preferred PM, however, with Helen Clark down 1.9 points to 43.1 per cent and Mr Key down 1.1 to 45.5 per cent.
Their ratings have varied little since May.
Site round up - Roarprawn growing fast.
Roarprawn, although very new, has grown exponentially - averaging 1200 hits a day this week ....and logging 13,000 unique visitors since the 7th of September. My previous counter says over 21,600 have visited the site, and I had it on about ten days before the new site meter was attached.
I launched the site on the 10th of August.
All the VWRC sites are reporting an increase in traffic..
Scampi is still very popular, Kick Arse Economics about Stephen Jennings was also a favourite as was racing and of course anything to do with sex!
And thanks for all of those who have left comments - Anonymous is a very busy boy...
And I haven't forgotten those who want to join the Prawn team .. I will be in touch next week with the yay or nay.
The site will change a bit over the next week or so.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Racing industry reputation in tatters
Roarprawn blogged on this a couple of days ago .... read it again here
Trainer shrugs off tyre-slashing
4:00AM Thursday Sep 25, 2008
By Patrick Gower
Champion horse trainer Paul Moroney has had a tyre slashed, but he does not believe it was by someone angry that he potted popular Racing Minister Winston Peters.
Mr Moroney said he found one tyre punctured with a sharp instrument when he arrived early at the Matamata racetrack.
The trainer had feared a backlash from the racing community after he provided a sworn affidavit to Parliament's privileges committee to back up Owen Glenn's claim that Mr Peters thanked the Monaco-based billionaire at the Karaka yearling sales for a $100,000 donation.
But Mr Moroney believed the tyre was damaged in relation to a minor work-related dispute within the Matamata racing community.
"I don't think anyone could be angry enough to come down to the track at 4am and slash my tyre," the Matamata trainer said.
He said he had actually had a lot of support for the stand he took.
He had not had any backlash and, he said, he had not lost any customers.
"I've actually gained a couple of horses from this."
Well what would you say if you were Moroney - I am not so charitable and if you think there isn't any venom in the Racing industry over this all you need to do is log on to RaceCafe to see the vitriol first hand...
and can anyone in the racing industry tell BustedBlonde more about the industry view on giving growth enhancing drugs to yearlings?????
Brian Donnelly
fish for dinner - but not scampi....

I bought a turbot on the bone for dinner - the Aussie Rock bought me a De Hillerin filleting knife on his last trip to Paris - my first instinct was to cut off the baubles that hang out in his budgie smugglers.. Imagine going to France and not bringing me back something romantic!! But the knife makes me want to buy fish on the bone just so I can use it -- its beautifully balanced and a dream to use..
anyway - it was a succulent fish and there were enough trimmings to make a pie or fish cakes at a later date...
I just floured it - served it with a simple home made coleslaw ( laced with pecorino cheese ) and kumara mash...
oh bugger - the big mystery revealed
I hope that its not true .... but its big enough that the main stream media will break it in the next couple of days -
In a way, my instincts say that the alleged incident itself wont be the story, but how it was handled...
Sorry to be so cryptic but no doubt all will be revealed in good time
Back to Scampi
From the Herald - Maori everywhere should be proud of the Maori parties principled stand
More evidence that Labour and NZ First have no respect for the institution of Parliament.
Labour and New Zealand First last night denied attempting to pervert the course of justice over the privileges report on New Zealand First leader Winston Peters.
The serious accusation was made by Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples - who also condemned Mr Peters' attacks on the Maori Party.
The accusations follow Tuesday's majority vote of censure by Parliament against Mr Peters for knowingly filing a false return of pecuniary interests, notably a $100,000 donation for his legal expenses from Monaco-based billionaire Owen Glenn.
The Maori Party held the balance of power on the vote in the House and it supported the censure motion.
If it had changed its vote and joined Labour and New Zealand First, it could have blocked it.
Cactus Kate seems to have gossip as well
here is her latest missive from far far away
Plenty are wondering why Dear Leader when given the chance to sack Peters and look strong, eased off and then defended him.
In this post from the fabulous female aptly named Queen Bee (is it Bee for bitch?) there lies a theory that Winnie has something over Dear Leader and it's a lot larger than the disgusting allegations of the "San Francisco affair" or indeed anything personal to do with Dear Leader that's normally bandied about.
The Eurocrats that I met in the South of France (specifically the colourful chap that I picked up in Nice and took to St Tropez) on my Find Owen mission were a little loose with the lips and bragged after several bottles of Chateau Friggin Pricey that they had a mole in Winnie's office. This after I explained the purpose of my search and retrieval of all Owen Glenn evidence.
I dismissed it at the time as poseuing and trying to impress my friend as he was taking his top off in the sun explaining how he would invite them out on his yacht and introduce them to some local YMCA's, as a few seemed well acquainted with this chap from the EU sojourn in 2007.
Perhaps I shouldn't of been so dismissive and asked a few more good questions.
Whale oils not playing fair
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Campbell live shows that Winston is an alien
A bloody good interview from John Campbell
Everyone should watch thishere
Great work Doc,

Mac Doctor has a bloody good idea for a bill board.
I have also received some more from another roarprawn reader.... will put them up over the next few days
Hmm look what we have here ? undisclosures!
Wow bugger me, the Hive has this. QB is getting leaks from Labour finks as well now....
Remember the $1 billion in funding, in part to subsidise home insulation, negotiated by the Green Party as part of the agreement to vote for the ETS?
Guess who owns shares in the company that makes this product????
This really stinks. Of course it would be too much to hope for One News to pick this up.
and apparently its Jeanette Fitzsimons Green party co leaderess
Hmm funny that Labour chose to turn the spotlight on Key and not Jeanette Fitzsimons over this -
Reminds me of animal farm ... some are more equal than others....
Coup part 2 - more MP's with integrity
Phil Goff
Annette King
Damien O'Connor
Lianne Dalziel
Russell Fairbrother
Shane Jones
and don't forget Jim Anderton
All labour staffers who have and do supply Roar prawn with good oil will get a bottle of Spy Valley - Echelon -
Killer Tobacco companies get a shake up from the commerce commission
The tobacco industry has agreed to remove the words light and mild from cigarette packets after being warned about the use of the terms.
The Commerce Commission warned tobacco companies the use of the terms light and mild risked breaching the Fair Trading Act.
The commission investigated the labelling after the Smokefree Coalition lodged a complaint in July 2006.
Smokefree Coalition chairwoman Jane Patterson said she was disappointed the companies only received a warning.
"The tobacco industry has a long history of lying. In this latest example, they are misleading smokers by suggesting light and mild cigarettes have health benefits over regular or higher yield tobacco products.
"As the Commerce Commission decision points out, light and mild tobacco is likely to be just as deadly as regular tobacco."
The Ministry of Health welcomed the Commerce Commission warning.
Senior analyst of tobacco control Brendan Baker said the terms were used to promote a product which kills around 5000 New Zealanders a year.
"Ultimately, the message for smokers and those who care about them remains the same: all cigarettes are harmful, be they light or mild, tailor-made or rollies."
New Zealand research on several brands of loose tobacco showed tobacco labelled mild was just as harmful as regular tobacco, he said.
Tobacco companies had agreed to remove the terms from their New Zealand products, Mr Baker said.
Is it Parekura who tried to heavy the Maori Party ?
I expected more from him
My money is still on Mallard or Hodgson....
someone will spill sooner or later
Its about Mana Winston and you dont have any anymore
More lies from the narcissist
Peters says Maori Party betrayed him
Winston Peters' accusation the Maori Party betrayed him has been hotly denied by the party, which says it came under political pressure from Labour to vote in his favour.
Mr Peters told Radio Waatea that Maori MPs had said publicly they would back him in the privileges committee inquiry into the $100,000 donation from businessman Owen Glenn.
Parliament censured Mr Peters yesterday for failing to declare the $100,000 that was used to pay the fees of his lawyer Brian Henry.
The committee said the evidence showed that Mr Peters knew about the donation, despite his ongoing protestations of ignorance.
National, the Greens, the Maori Party, ACT, United Future and independents Gordon Copeland and Taito Phillip Field backed the censure motion, with Labour and NZ First opposed.
Jim Anderton broke ranks with Labour and abstained.
Mr Peters said National and ACT had predetermined their position before any evidence had been presented.
The Maori Party had taken part in "treachery" against him.
"The Maori party had told Maoridom ... that they were backing me and stood behind me on this issue," Mr Peters said.
"They get there and look to their political alignment and the kind of weight they can wield on election night, if they have got enough votes, and they lined up with John Key."
Mr Peters said he had been shocked that Maori would not back Maori.
Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples said his party's stance was not about Mr Peters but "accountability and integrity" which was important to all MPs.
"All of us in the Maori Party have deliberately refrained from criticising Mr Peters in the public arena," Dr Sharples said.
"In addition, both my co-leader Tariana Turia and I have offered our personal best wishes to Winston to see him through this inquiry."
The party had not jumped to any conclusions and considered the evidence carefully.
On the balance of evidence it had agreed that Mr Peters had known about the donation and should have declared it.
Dr Sharples said he was not only taken aback by the personal attack from Winston Peters, but was disappointed at the personal lobbying by a NZ First staffer and a government minister over the past weekend to influence the Maori Party's decision prior to the vote.
"Both Tariana Turia and myself were disgusted with this kind of activity, aimed at perverting the course of justice and fair play."
Mr Peters said in the interview all those who voted to censure him had not got the facts right or were politically motivated.
The Greens had voted against him because NZ First had shut them out of government after 2005, United Future because it went with the political wind and Mr Peters said he had no idea about Mr Field's position but it appeared he "did not understand loyalty".
Throughout the interview Mr Peters maintained he did not know about the donation until Mr Henry told him about it in July
"I will go to my deathbed saying that, because it is true," Mr Peters said.
MPs who voted for the censure motion said events of December 14, 2005, had been crucial.
It was proved during hearings that Mr Peters held a phone conversation with Mr Glenn on that day and called Mr Henry immediately after. Minutes later Mr Henry emailed his bank account details to Mr Glenn so the donation could be paid into it.
Mr Peters and Mr Henry said money was never discussed that day, but the MPs thought otherwise.
The committee has given Mr Peters seven days to submit accurate donation returns for the last three years.
Mr Peters said the motion was wrong because it retrospectively applied new rules about declarations.
Maori aint stupid - they will choose to end political corruption
Hat tip to Big News
This from Scoop -
Maori Party Disgusted at the Winston Peters’ Attack
Dr Pita R Sharples, Co-leader 24 September 2008
Dr Sharples, Co-leader of the Maori Party today poo-poohed the personalised attack on the Maori Party by NZ First Leader, Winston Peters.
"I emphatically reject Mr Peters' criticism of us "riding the waves of sentiment" by publicly supporting him, and then "selling him out,” said Dr Sharples.
“Our stand has never been about Winston Peters – it’s about accountability and integrity, and these principles are important for every MP, not matter who they are.
Well said Pita.
"All of us in the Maori Party have deliberately refrained from criticising Mr Peters in the public arena - in fact we have gone to considerable lengths to point out to his detractors his considerable achievements within his current ministerial portfolio, and over the years. In addition, both my Co-leader Tariana Turia and I have offered our personal best wishes to Winston to see him through this enquiry,” he said.
They know how to act with integrity and honour - their mana grows as Winston's diminishes.
"More importantly, the Maori Party refrained from jumping to any conclusions about his behaviour until we had seen and heard all the evidence presented to the Privileges Committee.”
Dr Sharples said the party's representative on the Privileges Committee, Te Ururoa Flavell, presented a very clear analysis of his findings on the matter to the House yesterday at 4.00pm.
“The Maori Party concurred with his analysis and, therefore, despite any personal feelings of support for Winston, our caucus was well prepared to make the hard call on his behaviour on the basis of the evidence provided,” he said.
As always they took time to make their decision and they came to the right conclusion
"An attack on our credibility over this issue by Winston is totally out of order, and without any substance at all," said Dr Sharples. "The Maori Party values its political integrity and has spent three years in the house - walking our talk.
Dr Sharples said he was not only taken aback by the personal attack from Winston Peters, but was disappointed at the personal lobbying by a NZ First staffer and a government Minister over the past weekend to influence the Maori Party's decision prior to the vote.
Again the Maori Party show integrity but I bet the bully boy Ministers is not Shane Jones!
"I personally had two separate phone calls from a senior Minister urging me to vote in favour of Winston, and suggesting that there would be unpleasant repercussions from Maori people if I didn’t. Both Tariana Turia and myself were disgusted with this kind of activity, aimed at perverting the course of justice and fair play.
I think that for the sake of the reputations of any Labour Ministers who have integrity the offending bully boy Minister should be named... Hmm on second thoughts maybe its bovver boy Mallard......
"But one thing Winston Peters said is right, and that is - the people will decide on November 8. His populist antics versus our integrity," said Dr Sharples.
Right on Brother.
The motion to censure Mr Peters was passed in the House with National, The Greens, The Maori Party, United Future, Act and independents Gordon Copeland and Taito Phillip Field voting for the motion. Labour and NZ First opposed it, while Jim Anderton abstained.
The Maori Party will be recognised by their own people for their integrity...
A split in the ranks ???? Coup???
Bugger me - the finks in labour are ratting out their bosses in the hopes that National will employ them when they get in.. It's understandable in the land of mortages nappies and lattes.
So add to a disgruntled Shane Jones,
- A gobsmacked Lianne Dalziel ( remember she is a lawyer and it wont pass her test)
- Phil Goff - the man most respected by National - because, well he is centre right. And he has integrity.
- And Damien O'Connor. He got demoted for being a dork to a list place that means he's gonna have a tough job getting back in even if Labour wins... So he gets to watch peters who is a dishonest deceptive lying dork get all the protection Clark can give him.. So he is "spewing" according to my source ....
And just in - Add Russel Fairbrother to the growing ranks of the Labour NZ Axis who can't stomach corruption...
My, My - do we have the making of a coup ???
the new black could leave you red faced
here is a timely warning - remember never kiss someone with a cold sore - you never know where they have been ....
News that oral sex has become the 'new black' in Australian bedrooms (and no doubt New Zealand ones too) means that it is increasingly important that people understand the risks associated with it. (refer story “Oral sex the new abstinence” http://www.stuff.co.nz/4694875a19716.html)
While oral sex has clear advantages in terms of avoiding unwanted pregnancies, it is not necessarily 'safe' sex. The increasing prevalence of oral sex is being mirrored by an increase in the number of people contracting the herpes simplex virus as a result of mouth-to-genital transmission.
New Zealand is one of the few countries to have researched this, and results show that one in three cases of genital herpes is now caused by the Type-1 virus, the form that commonly causes cold sores. Eight out of ten New Zealanders have facial herpes.
Research conducted in the Waikato earlier this year showed the rate among under 25 year olds is even higher, with over 50 percent of genital herpes being caused by the facial herpes strain.
“This is almost certainly a direct result of oral sex being more common in relationships involving younger people,” said Claire Hurst, Manager of the New Zealand Herpes Foundation.
“What isn't well understood is that people can get genital herpes from someone who has facial herpes. And it can sometimes happen when the person has no cold sores present. And in fact most people who have the cold sore virus are not even aware they have been infected – or are infectious.”
“It is also really important that people know that having herpes does not need to be a major issue. Up to eighty percent of the population carry the herpes simplex virus, and three out of ten sexually active people have genital herpes – the same virus as “cold sores” but in a different site. Eighty percent of these have no or minimal symptoms. And for those who do have symptoms, it is important to remember that herpes is common, treatable and manageable.”
The Herpes Foundation has a range of resources, all of which can be accessed via their website www.herpes.org.nz, and offer a toll free helpline 0508 11 12 13.
Shane Jones knows lots about Winston
Those doubting the existence of a formal axis between Labour and new Zealand First can be in no doubt after Labour's decision to politicise an otherwise non-politicised process around the privileges committee process. I know several members of the Labour caucus are ashamed by their Leader's decision to keep associating with the little liar. They should be. If things continue down this course expect Labour to spawn yet another breakaway party. To date it has spawned the Alliance, United, ACT and Maori.
Yes, Apparently my Maori sources say that Jones is really whakama ( embarrassed ) about his party and how it is fawning over Winston - Remember Mr Jones was a Maori Fisheries Commissioner for well over a decade and he knows where many of the bodies are buried and its not at sea..
He has been talking privately about how disgusted he is about having to support Winston .
He had the chance to become a National MP -( Shane is very centre right) but chose Labour -
Bloody shame really.
redit redit -
This reminds me of a time when I was about 20 and staying at my mum and dads and they had a big pond and the frogs were amazingly noisy - visitors hated them but we loved them . Anyway I was out late one night and I came up the gravel drive and took off my six inch heels ( i could wear high heels then) and it was a dry night but it was really wet underneath - anyway I looked down and it was a carpet of frogs and I had squashed a fair few. It was a pretty amazing site - No not me , the mat of frogs...
Very weird phenomena!
The mating call of the Australian brown tree frog has been causing problems between neighbours in the Dunedin suburb of Wakari.
On one side of the fence: Ruth and Larry Mackenzie-White with their ornamental pond containing a choir of "chirping" tree frogs.
On the other side: Ewen Cadzow struggling to sleep because of the noise.
Ms Mackenzie-White told the Otago Daily Times yesterday they only realised the frogs were a problem when they received a polite verbal request from Mr Cadzow to "do something" about the noise.
A polite letter followed.
And soon after came a polite call from a Dunedin City Council noise control officer who was at a loss as to how the Mackenzie-Whites might solve the problem.
"Larry said, 'do you expect me to kill them' and noise control said, 'no no, don't do that'."
In the end, for the sake of good neighbourly relations, the Mackenzie-Whites called in the "frog buster", University of Otago zoologist Dr Phil Bishop, who arranged for a research student to move the frogs to a safe location.
Now, the Mackenzie-Whites claim their pond is almost silent, with just one male tree-frog that slipped the net still singing mournful solos through the night.
But Mr Cadzow said yesterday there had been little sign of improvement and he played a recording of loud frog noises to the ODT to demonstrate the noise level in his house at night.
Mr Cadzow said he was a light sleeper.
He had tried earplugs and sleeping in different parts of his house but was forced by the frogs to spend the early hours awake.
He said he rang the council three or four times without much result.
"If it was dogs barking it would be dealt with, just like that."
Ms Mackenzie-White said people who live in the suburbs had to expect some noise.
"The birds make noises in the morning and we've got bellbirds and we've got tuis and we've got neighbours who have cars and we've got a neighbour over the back who's got a dog. I think it's just part of life, really."
She says the frogs "chirp" in a rhythmic fashion and can continue through the night.
"If you were lying awake at night it would be incredibly annoying but his [Mr Cadzow's] insomnia is not my problem, to be frank."
Dr Bishop says any small area of water around Dunedin is likely to have tree frogs at the moment - provided there is vegetation to protect them from cats and hedgehogs.
"The frogs seem to be coming back really well this year. I can imagine there's a lot of people having similar problems - if you could call it a problem. I would love to have that problem."
Dr Bishop says the upside of having frogs in a pond is that they eat a lot of insects.
It is estimated 1000 frogs will eat 5 million insects in a year.
The down side is that the males make a lot of noise when they are looking for a mate, and they mate all year round.
Key must do better ( but the prawns still love you)
John Key's once squeaky-clean image has been blemished by his failure to disclose the full extent of his Tranz Rail shareholding before Labour embarrassed him by doing it for him.
But his reputation is a long way from being irrevocably tarnished by Labour's revelation that he owned 100,000 shares in the rail operator when everyone had been led to believe the figure was closer to 30,000.
Labour has finally landed a big hit - but not the king-hit it has been looking for.
The story, which dates back to 2003, is too old and arcane for most voters to be bothered about.
The only thing that has really changed since July when the Prime Minister first alleged Key had a conflict of interest is that the actual number of Tranz Rail shares he owned back in 2003 has been found to be much higher than thought, thanks to the dogged digging of Labour's taxpayer-funded Parliamentary research unit. More from Armstrong Here
Yes it was only a blemish because the story was so bloody thin but Key needs to tidy up his media act and fast.
I watched the whole thing - Paul Henry rogered him... and Henry is " sympathetic" to centre right politics - remember he stood for National - but he did not show any bias at all this morning... which says a lot about his integrity.
It is now critical that Key gets some high powered media help.