Friday 26 September 2008

A few people have asked me why would someone do this ?

I have no bloody idea really.

I suspect its little boys, or maybe (little girls who dont like boys) who maybe good at tactics and not at strategy -and probably have no morals....

I cant think why they would do what they have done to this particular MP. He is a good bastard as I said when I posted on this issue... I also said at the time I was suspicious of the original allegation but I wasn't of the allegation of police interference and that probably has a lot to do with the distrust , I am sad to say, of what I see as a politicised police force.

I am just glad the story was being followed up by journalists with integrity - I know that as a former journalist I would have followed through with it as well. I have had my share of false leads in the past ...

I just hope that someone takes the people who did this and gives them a bloody good whupping.

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