Monday 26 September 2011


It sure appears that Taupo police made an awful error of judgement  Much liked and well respected sports journalist Vata Ngobeni found himself the victim of some over eager police in Taupo last night.

Reports indicate he was dragged off to the local cop shop as a suspected drug dealer.
According to other journalists with him at the time he was the only black person  in the bar. 
Admittedly the police have apologised but it should never have happened in the first place. 
Anyway this sort of crap is unacceptable  so to all New Zealanders the pic is of a good man,  a well respected professional man, who is here to enjoy our country  - So lets ensure that Vata  gets the respect and hospitality he deserves for the rest of his stay. We all owe him that. 


B.S. said...

I think what you are saying Brunette is a form of inverse racism i.e.our police should not be allowed to question someone based on a complaint simply because he is black. If police were really racial profiling they would choose the Chinese student , the Maori or the Argentinian backpacker. To say Mr Ngobeni was targeted because he was black is buying into African victim mentality.

H Stewart said...

Well done mate good blog. I am astonished by this. As for you comment Sir Loin what a load of shit. The guy would have had media accreditation on him. I suspect his passport as well,the problem is we have a fucking thick police force as shown on TV one news tonight.

Sir Loin take bloody blinkers off or come up with horse based name explaining your inability to utilse your peripheral vision.

Anonymous said...

H Stewart take your blinkers off.

Do you really think media accreditation is some sort of proof the holder is above suspicion? The media accreditation should provide enough circumstantial evidence for a search in the first instance!

FFS the police were acting on a complaint. They held him for 10 minutes, searched him, apologised and released him. Hardly the actions of an out of control police state, like, oh, um, South Africa.


Blair said...

Steve Biko he is not.