I have been watching the Labour leadership battle with a great deal of interest. It is clear Shane Jones is emerging as the peoples prince. He has always been a classy orator in both Maori and English. He appears lazy but that's because he is inherently a very smart man - intellectually fecund in fact. He was born to rule.
So his time has come - so to speak.
2 rumours have been circulating the beltway - the first relates to Jones state of health. He fought off bowel cancer- but the word is that it is back - easy to believe as it seems he is fighting for the top job on the left as if he has nothing to lose.
The second relates to his infamous indiscretion - his onanistic play in a lonely hotel room egged on by the frantic coupling of some pneumatic porn starlets. His remote decision to pay and confirm resulted in political emasculation for a while but at the time the kumara vine was heavy with the rumour that it was not Shane who had wracked up the porn bills but a member of his whanau.
He came dangerously close to showing undue favouritism in the Bill Liu scandal. And if there is anything that points to a serious personality flaw then this is it but in this scandal he proved to be as slippery as a coozer covered in KY.
Shanes crime was never about the porn. It was about expecting the taxpayer to foot the bill even if he paid back the charges eventually.
Yet it seems to be the fact he watched porn that dogs him . The irony is that the heavily pornographic novel 50 shades of grey is a world wide best seller. Millions of sticky fingers turned the pages as readers became engrossed by its scintillating romp in the musky world of slap and tickle. The fine line between pleasure and pain was bolded in everyday ink. Now it is to be made into a movie - thus mainstreaming the masterbatory murk.
So Shanes guilty pleasure, if indeed that is what it was, will soon be available at Video Easy for all the aunties to watch.
Labour is such a broad church encompassing vast differences in the religion of lefty politics that this race could well see all three candidates get close to 30 percent of the vote each . And as the factions bow to such very different political idols - it is unthinkable that either Robertson or Cunliffe will bow out at the 11th hour if it looks like Jones is gaining too much support. Dogged by Dogma they are.
Jones is the dark war hardened stallion and knows it. He makes the other two look like braying mules. Hooton says as much today in NBR.
Jones , the peoples prince may yet get his money shot.
So out of touch
58 minutes ago
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