Sunday, 13 March 2011


In the third and fourth pics down is MR - the Mad Rooter ram who has been an excellent fecund fellow. He was put across a purebred dorper and two half dorpers all had twins. He is a big bugger - unsure of the breed but pretty well put together. And in the fourth photo you can see him with the head of the harem - ( full blood dorper) and his two progeny which are 6 months old. In fact we bowled over one last night and the meat looks fantastic as you can see.

We need to get rid of MR because we have bought a Wiltshire ram, the one in picture 2.
Wiltshires are a Jenny Craig nightmare - they look at food and they turn it into meat and they dont grow wool. So they are roasts on legs and easy to look after.
My uncle had one of the best flocks in the country down in Alexandra, but he got a bit crook so he sold them all bar a wee few. Luckily the old man bid and got a couple of the prize rams - one for me and one for a mate. so we aim to cross them with the Dorpers who are also wool shedders known for their meat.

However we are very angry with Trademe. They are now asking for a $29 success fee and $10 to list one bloody sheep. As MR is just a big mad rooting mongrel who will probably fetch $60 bucks tops and not some bloody upmarket wiltshire, like the one with the orange mark on his butt thats worth hundreds of dollars, it looks like price gouging.

We asked them what the story was and this is what they said:
Hi , can you tell me the rationale behind charging $29 to sell a sheep? My smelly old mad rooter ram is only worth about $60 bucks.! How can i list him the normal way with the normal pricing.


Thanks for contacting us.

The rationale behind setting a standard price on selling all sheep is to make this easier for our members.

If you wish to sell your ram you will need to ensure that he is listed in the correct category. You won't be able to list him the normal way with normal pricing.

I wish you the best of luck with your future trades, I hope everything goes well and you continue to enjoy using Trade Me.

If you have further questions regarding this issue please reply and we will answer your email as soon as possible.

Have a great day! :)



Trade Me Support


The reply from Trademe is pretty unsatisfactory - so if anyone in the Wairarapa wants him for $60 - give me a buzz

It is not easier! Its just more expensive!


Claudia said...

There are other free alternatives - Trade and Exchange. There is another site like TM, but doesn't cost (sorry cant remember the name)... or go to, and put him in the classifieds.

kehua said...

Get a hind quarter of venison or a bit of wild pork and sausage the bugger.

alimentacion jamon detrujillo said...

I am not sure if wool it is a better business than meat, but wool last for years and meat ends when you secrifice the animal