Tuesday, 10 May 2011


We are quietly confident that the Hon Georgina te Heuheu will be representing Aotearoa in some far away outpost following the next election.

Georgina has all the attributes to make a great diplomat. We know how hard it has been for her as a Maori woman among the silver foxes of the National Party. She has often been stretched between two different worlds.

Georgie was also pretty good at cross party Maori relations. Which in these times of MMP is a fairly vital role.

While many New Zealanders think that the Maori powerbase rests with Tainui and Ngai Tahu, it is the wise council of the Tuwharetoa te Heuheus that both have sought on many occasion.

So they will miss her voice in parliament.

We hope that the government treats Georgina well so that she can continue to serve her country and harness her well known skills for diplomacy and clear thinking.

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