Its starting to look like TVNZ, - in particular Te Karere, are helping Hone Harawira run his election campaign for Te Tai Tokerau.
Overall, people live much longer and more comfortable lives than they ever have before. That is even when you take into account the health issues of the developing world, and, nations involved in conflict. We live in a golden age but we won’t recognise it. Anxiety and irrational fears are on the increase. High speed, hard sell mass media means that we are told a lot of things that are really none of our business. And, we are told in an alarming exaggerated way. Repeatedly, until sales and ratings drop and the next sensation comes down the wire. Our great grandparents often never knew of conflict and disasters in other hemispheres until well after the fact, if at all. And they certainly never had the vicious impact of troubles brought home in high definition drama. They didn’t usually live as long as we will but they seemed to be happier. When they had worries, wisely, they kept it from their children.
People have always worried about their health and safety. We are hard wired for worry. This was most fortuitous in the days when, if you stepped out of your cave without pessimistic vigilance, you could be torn apart and eaten alive by a sabre toothed tiger. For most of humanity’s existence, you were doing very well if you lived long enough to perpetrate your genes into the next generation. If you are an adult now, you will probably live into your eighties. If you breathe up some second-hand smoke or eat a bacon butty you will have more than ten minutes to live. Relax and enjoy. And keep your kids away from too much TV news. They worry more than we do.
"New Zealands citizens are eating its breeding stock and next seasons seed -
its dangerously in debt and still borrowing heavily"
We blogged the other day about getting a lovely bottle of 2009 Wycroft Pinot Noir in exchange for a lend of our meat mincer so our mate could make some venison sausages ( we got some sausages as well).
We are well familiar with the delightful depth and sophistication of Wycroft wines so we were well pleased to acquire a bottle.
However ,we have just discovered the latest accolade this small but excellent vineyard has won. Wycroft is only found in the best restaurants as is befitting a pinot of quality. We love its plummy, chocolaty richness and the decadence that comes from a hint of tobacco. It is a supremely good wine that glows from the loving touch of its passionate vintners. It has always been in the best of NZ Wine company and the latest award sees it again recognised as one of this country's premium pinot noirs and indeed the world.
Specialist Wairarapa pinot noir maker Wycroft has been awarded one of only 18 gold medals globally in the 28th annual London International Wine Challenge (IWC). Six kiwi pinot noirs scored gold – three from Central Otago, two from Marlborough, and Wycroft, from Matahiwi Rd, Masterton for its 2009 Wycroft Pinot Noir. With more than 25,000 wines entered the IWC is the world’s largest wine competition. The local pinot noir gold medals were shared with Australia and the United Stateswith one each, and France with 10. This is the second international gold medal from two entries for the boutique Wycroft label, the other being a Decanter award for the Wycroft 2006 Pinot Noir. Wycroft was established in 1998 and produces purely pinot noir in small quantities for high-end restaurants and mailing list clients. Its annual production averages around 250 dozen.
Te Kahu's letter in full
Koe Louis,
Shaun Te Kahu here. I writing to you concerning what I just witnessed on TV. I'm in total disbelief. Shocked and totally gutted. As well as my brother. We are original founders of mongrel mob Invercargill.
That place held sentimental value to us. I wasn't aware of that mortgage loan back from 89. When I become president I honestly wasn't aware of that bill. Otherwise, I would've paid it. To find out 20 years later was a slap in the face. I received your correspondence like December just gone.
I couldn't do much from my cell. I was told you approached others down there. I honestly believe you weren't talking to the backbone at all. I'm the backbone. Me and my brother. I was in Springhill Prison when I got your notice.
So I wasn't in a position to do anything positive. I'm back in Chch now. I'm due to come back Invercargill ways anytime next year. I'm a local from Invercargill just like everyone else in the town. I've made the wrong choices, no ones perfect. I won't deny the mob are a bunch of thugs. I accept we've mucked it all up. But I am prepared to make a change for the better of us and the community. We have given back to the community as well. My contribution was AK47s and shotguns and other weapons. That was something no other gang has done ever in Invercargill. Just politics in the gang scene got in the way. The town has been quiet since I've been in jail. I'm in a better frame of mind now. What I like to know is where do we go from here? I got the impression you and the city council was trying to crush the mob by taking way my headquarters. The bill was unrealistic aye. Why would the mob pay you that amount of money when the mob could go and buy another house and rebuild right in the town. We chose Severn cause it was the right location for us. And there's another headquarters in Mataura.
I'm prepared to make amends to you when I get out. I'll compensate you on the condition you give what's left back 2 us which is nothing now. But ashes. Otherwise you give me no choice but to rebuild in town.
Til I hear from you.
Yours sincerely SHAUN TE KAHU
Paparua Prison
Posted by Lambcut
Green party MP Catherine Delahunty was on the six o’clock news tonight. Lambcut’s esteemed husband, Duke Nukem was watching. Busted Blonde and the Brunette are politically right of Genghis Khan. Well let me tell you, Duke Nukem makes them look like an episode of the Care Bears. I am Mme Duke Nukem the 4th. He had three wives and a veritable harem of girlfriends before he married me. He undoubtedly knows in minutia how women look, on a good hair day or bad. Duke’s reaction to Ms Delahunty was one of shock momentarily, turning to horror and then revulsion. Clearly, he had never seen her before and was unprepared on that basis.
I wondered, why is it that women on the left make so little of their personal presentation? I know we are in Paul Henry territory here. “It’s a lady with a moustache! It’s a lady with a moustache!!!?” And, it was a lady with a moustache.
The Duke and I were in Harvey Normans recently on an IT acquisition mission. Once we completed the mission, we passed time perusing the variety of gadgetry available. Duke spotted a pink battery operated pussy trimmer and kindly offered to buy it for me. When Duke Nukem offers to buy you a pink battery operated pussy trimmer there is not much mystery as to the why of it. The only mystery is why women from the left of the political spectrum can’t even manage to do their faces.
Posted by Lambcut
Lambcut with a very special Semitic friend
At the discretion of Busted Blonde and the Brunette, I will probably continue to post occasionally as time allows, on Saturdays and Sundays on the delicate topic of Israeli Palestinian politics. If you wish to comment on any post going forward you will have to abide by certain rules of engagement. In previous posts on the topic or in reply to any comment thus far, you will note that I haven’t indulged in any ad hominem attacks, pejorative language, racist insults or hate speech. The same cannot be said for some VRWC commentators. Though, some of those commentators resorted to other blogs as their forum for this. Notwithstanding, I published all comments sent to Roarprawn. I will not continue to do so.
There have been assertions by Roarprawn’s commentators, albeit on other blogs that I am anti-Semitic. Arabs, along with Jews, are Semitic people. In any event, I do not countenance anti-Semitism in any form. There will be no holocaust denying here, there will also be no nakba denying. I do not compare nakba to the holocaust. The horrors of the holocaust thankfully remain out in a league of their own. Nakba is an atrocity in its own right. And I will not ignore it.
I refer to my recent post entitled, Israel and the Fine Art of Sophistry. It attracted remarkable traffic and vitriol from the VRWC’s readers. It was essentially a post on the poor standard of journalism on both sides. Read it properly and see. Not one commentator asked me whether or not I agreed with a withdrawal to the 1967 borders or if I supported a two state solution. The most inflammatory thing I said was, “for Netanyahu to assert that the 1967 borders are indefensible is demonstrably untrue and mischievous”. Not one commentator provided any rebuttal to that statement. No-one talked about the quality or veracity of press coverage.
As it happens I am not convinced a two state solution is best. If Israel took over the West Bank and Gaza, and was made a whole country on that basis, certain things would eventually have to happen. If Israel wished to be thought of as a civilised state the rights of all of its citizens would have to be recognised equally. The Gaza wall would have to come down or it would be an apartheid state, and would have to be regarded as such by the international community. Any violent act by any citizen Palestinian or Jew would have to be recognised for what it is – a criminal act punishable at criminal law. Water and other vital infrastructure would need to be provided to all areas of the country in proper proportions. Persons born in Israeli territory would have automatic citizenship and have the right to leave the country and have the right of return. Disputes over real property, historic or not, would have to be addressed on an appropriate legal basis. Universal suffrage would have to be enacted. Those persons now held in Israeli prisons without trial would have to be brought before the Courts without undue delay.
If you wish to make any comment on any post of mine on this topic I will publish it, provided the comment does not contain:
Ad hominem attacks; or
pejorative language; or
racist insults; or
hate speech against any ethnic group.
Israel likes to complicate the politics of conflict. Complicated concepts are difficult to debate and communicate to our attention deficit disordered Western hive-mind. But it’s really not that hard to understand.
In 1967 Israel won the Six Day War. It was a decisive victory and significantly expanded Israel’s territory.
Yesterday, Barrack Obama called for Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders. The proposal is part of a peace plan that’s been dragging on unrealised for decades.
Today, Benjamin Netanyahu said that the 1967 borders are indefensible. Israeli spinners are pouring out lots of fabulous and complex arguments for why it is so.
The fact remains that Israel won the territory as a result of decisive military conquest. It has been defending the territory adeptly for 43 years. It has expanded the territory incrementally by means of illegal settlement. It is territory gained by such means that is at the root of Obama’s call. For Netanyahu to assert that the 1967 borders are indefensible is demonstrably untrue and mischievous. But Israel will go on spinning it with breathtaking sophistry and the West will go on listening with the understanding and attention span of a gnat.