Saturday, 5 June 2010

And what contribution would that be ?

Richard O'Brien, the New Zealand-raised creator of The Rocky Horror Show, has been told he can't retire here.

The 68-year-old British-born writer and actor is now appealing to Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman for help.

O'Brien, who lives in London, has been back to New Zealand regularly since the 1960s and wants to retire to Katikati, where he has a 2½-acre property. But his immigration adviser, Dion Smart, says he doesn't fit the criteria for citizenship or permanent residency.

Two of O'Brien's siblings, Robin Smith and Gillian Page, live in Tauranga, as did their parents until they died about four years ago. According to immigration requirements, to be sponsored by either of his siblings for permanent residency in New Zealand, O'Brien has to be aged 55 or under, and have secured a job offer – criteria he doesn't fit.

O'Brien says he thinks his application should be "rubber- stamped" in light of his contribution to New Zealand.

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