We will be attending this - its guaranteed to be fascinating, fun and informative. Fran is one of the few journalists who was quick to understand the power of blogs. She is simply one of the finest columnists this country has, and her influence is legend.
And its free!
Anyway the Rural women are welcoming anyone who is interested in attending. Just email your acceptance as per the emails below.
You are invited to the next breakfast meeting of the RWNZ Wellington
Network Group, to be held on Tuesday 29 September. Please tell your friends
and colleagues.
Speaker: Fran O'Sullivan
Topic: An Accidental Empire: The Rise of Political Blogging and its
Effect on Conventional Media.
RWNZ is delighted to have special guest Fran O'Sullivan - a columnist for
the New Zealand Herald - speaking at this month's breakfast meeting on the
rise of political blogging. Fran's expertise is in politics and business.
She was labelled a "right-wing blogger" by Helen Clark - but has yet to
launch her own blog.
Time: 7.15am - 8.15 a.m.
Venue: Horticulture New Zealand Boardroom
Level 2 Huddart Parker Building Post Office Square
(opposite Queen's Wharf)
Central Wellington
Breakfast: There is no charge for attending RWNZ breakfast meetings. There is a café on the ground floor or the French Coffee cart in square if you
want to purchase food or coffee. Coffee is also provided at the meeting.
Please RSVP to Noeline Holt: noeline.holt@ruralwomen.org.nz
Tracy Galland: tracygalland@xtra.co.nz
can urban men attend?
By all means, everyone is welcome. Men are a subset of everyone.
Can urban men attend?
Correct answer Lambcut - only hot employed ones.
Else you will have every blogger and Kiwiblog comment junkie in Wellington wasting the space.
Lambcut is all aquiver - seriously. Darth Blogger has just RSVP'ed and confirmed his attendance.
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