Tim Shadbolt probably faces his toughest local body election for some time next year. He presides over a fractured Invercargill City council and it seems he feels undermined and uninformed.
Personally we think Shadbolt is a dickhead and a sifty dickhead at that. Invercargill could do much better than having a seedy old shit like Shadbolt as their Mayor.. Time for new blood.
We reckon Suzanne Prentice is the gal for the South..

Lambcut used to share BB's views on Shadbolt in earlier days. But, a couple of years in Invers doing industry based policy work, involving a great deal of interaction with the various councils convinced her that Shadbolt had grown into the job – a long time ago. He is after all a very experienced mayor. He was pivotal in introducing the Fee Free scheme that operates at the Southern Institute of Learning. That initiative, alone has bought thousands of young people south and added immeasurably to the vitality of the city. Shadbolt’s omnipresent carnivorous grin notwithstanding, he has carried out his mayoral duties well. Lambcut doubts that Prentice has much of a chance against him. She is, by all accounts, an excellent wife and mother. But, she is best known for being world famous in Southland as a moderately successful country singer. An achievement of this nature in anyone fronting for the city is of dubious benefit given that the place is burdened by an undeserved Hicksville reputation. It’s all a bit too “Slim Dusty - Live From Wagga Wagga”, for Lambcut’s tastes. We welcome correction on this, but, as far as we know Prentice has no other particular qualifications to befit her for the mayoralty. Perhaps she is seeking some of her former glory in the spotlight.
Erratum: I should have said the "Southern Institute of Technology" not the "Southern Institute of Learning".
Just so you know, the Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) offers degree, diploma and certificate programmes, as well as SIT2LRN distance learning, vocational preparation and personal development courses. SIT offer a Zero Fee Scheme to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents to study without incurring tuition fees. Our northern cousins could learn a thing or two from this.
Methinks her success in the town would not be of her own doing...
Perhaps other forces would want her to do well?
Hehe - slim dusty.
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