Sunday, 13 June 2010

Cactus Kate falls down a hole

Cactus Kate gets predictably incensed with a hapu chairman who wants to tax all residents within the Ngapuhi region to support Ngaupuhi economic development.
Some old idiot with a European name who needs to be put in a rest home states:

Matarahurahu hapu chairman D***d R****n said the proposed flat tax rate, which would be administered by the Inland Revenue Department, would "pull Ngapuhi out of a depressed state" and ultimately benefit the entire region.

He wants a NINE percent tax for "economic development".
Cactus Kate

I can see her sitting in her apartment in her PJ's, shouting into her MacBook Pro and banging away a terse blog post. Given that the colleagues of the hapu chairman don't think much of his plan, she is probably getting incensed for nothing.

However, there had also been "one or two" members of the Ngapuhi Runanga, who administer the claim, who expressed their strong opposition and threatened to bar Mr Rankin from speaking at Waitangi Tribunal hearings.
NZ Herald

These kind of ideas and people don't deserve anymore air time than necessary which is why I have starred out his name. All Cactus has done is to increase his Google power.


Cactus Kate said...

He won't get barred. He's already made the TVNZ website.

If they had any balls they would roll him for stating something so ridiculous.

But my bet is that he has internal support.

Anonymous said...

He created a particularly nasty headline & showed total misunderstanding of what would actually happen, which is basically financial ruin for Northland.
The answer for Ngapuhi is pretty damn simple, get off their asses, sort out a decent settlement, it doesn't have to be freaking perfect, it just needs to happen & try & catch up with Tainui & Nga Tahu, but my fear is they are leaving their run way to late & the big tribes will muscle into the economic hot spots in Northland by the time they get their act together.
If Ngapuhi could kick NZ Maori butt with muskets, about time they proved it with their brains & financial skill.

Barnsley Bill said...

Anybody that has spent time in Kaikohe will know that no amount of money will fix this problem. The town must have a higher proportion of sale of two litre bottles of fizzy shit to kids than any other place in the country. A drive through the main street at any time is the most depressing stretch of road in this country