Monday, 14 June 2010


Finally we have a Prime Minister who can lead a government made up of different parties to find solutions to the most vexing of issues.

The Foreshore and Seabed Act had the potential to divide our nation. It laid waste to decades of Maori support for Labour. It gave birth to the Maori Party.

Key and Finlayson, by working with Maori have devised a plan that meets the aims of all parties and will bring our nation together. It will also cement Maori support for the National Government for some time to come.

Its restores the path for Maori to seek a customary right to land for which they believe they have a legitimate claim , it restores Mana and it protects public access.

We all gasped when we heard the silly demands of Ngai Tahu's Mark Solomon - a few days later we breathed again when it heard the quiet and calm voice of unification and reason of Api Mahuika- a true Ariki.

So now we have an historic deal that unites - born out of a blend of vision and pragmatism that Key , Finlayson and a core of Maori leaders should be proud of.

1 comment:

Adolf Fiinkensein said...

How very well put, Brunette.

The lamentations from the left are music to the ear.

Look for Labour at around Party Vote 20%.