Sunday, 17 May 2009


our daily Bread without crap in it...

We dont wanna see any more crap science in decision making.


Doug said...

Must have been Full Moon thinking on a Full Moon Evening.

MonkAre said...

It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreRee Bali ***ehmmmm

LaFemme said...

How 'bout a bread boycott? If bread don't sell, bakers don't bake, people don't work, and the gov don't collect taxes -- think that might get through to the powers that be? said...

Looking at the folic acid thing the claim of cancer seems to be scaremongering, that's what's should be being called crap science. Sad, but it might put off the very people that need folic acid most - pregnant women and cause an increased risk of neural tube defects. It's known optimal levels of folate in the diet prevents cancer, so on the principle "more is better" they studied supplementation at 1000mcg (more than twice the recommended level) over a long period in people that had polyps removed - these can develop into cancer. Turns out more isn't better - there wasn't any protective effect seen. Non-statistically significant difference between the placebo and treatment group. Great, eh. This article has plenty of science and actually a good potted history of why fortification of foods is an consideration.

Fairly agnostic, but don't see the need for outrage, to me it's no different to government policies making sure water is clean provided it's discussed openly and the basis for the policy decision is clear. I'm pretty happy with policies that mean our milk isn't spiked with melamine, water is clean and that toys won't choke a child. I can live without the freedom to have diarrhoea or develop kidney stones, thanks.