NAH but we are delighted with any legislation that cracks down on gangs. Marginalise them, give them no room to move and the police should be in their faces 24/7. Zero tolerance. Get them on the small stuff - it will stop the big stuff.
And maybe then the police might have got our carback.
Banning patches does zero for the gangs criminal behaviour.
What it does is give the rest of us, the other 99.9% the chance to feel less intimidated. If a patch is that important to them they will have to learn where to display it. Ceremonial burnings in the Police Station incinerator removes the Mana associated with a patch. And I used the word Mana with some disquiet, however that is the best way I could describe the status
I note that the legislation has a provision for police to destroy offending insignia. All power to the Wanganui police if they do take a stand here and actually enforce this law to the max.
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