Last night we were in Auckland to hear one of the great political satirists and gonzo journalists of our time - PJ O'Rourke. Now thanks to well connected Big Oil she got a great table of women in or around the media together for the evening which was hosted by the Centre for Independent Studies It was a slightly raucous, never PC, top bunch of stroppy chicks.
PJ was fantastic. We could wax lyrical and repeat some funny lines - but we cant do it as well as he does, so do yourself a favour and read about one of the great literary and political giants of our time here
Anyway - we got to meet Christ Trotter- sincere and fun - was surprised about the last bit. Lovely man. We watched women fall all over themselves to mate with Kiwiblog David Farrar and RNZ's Sean Plunket, both single and big brained. Their positions of power among the mediarati means they ooze a strangely becoming scent to thinking chicks. Like a sizzling steak and fries. Sexual attraction is not always about chiseled chins and fab abs. These two have the good thing going on in spades.
The food was good, the main course of lamb was an over the top in your face militant carnivore creation - and the chocolate pud was splendid. No mango froth for this crowd. Wine and beer was consumed with unbridled gusto.
We discovered that Noelle McCarthy was more attractive in person than even her press pics indicate. She was fun and not up her own arse, which was refreshing for a young eager thing on her way up in the media world. Forget about her borrowing bits - she flat out has talent.
Now there was some very strange chick who floated in and out of the crowd last night. She didn't fit - square peg in a triangle hole. We reckon she was a lefty plant - we knew there would be one, always is, who tries to inch their way into the inner sanctum of right thinking. She failed. We can smell pinkos from ten paces like Cadaver dogs smell long buried bodies.
Anyway it was great nite, one of the best. Here's to you Big Oil.
Is there a curtain-raiser for the lefty chick. And what do you mean calling David Farrar the inner-sanctum.
Irish Lass
Thanks BB. You forgot to review the pumpkin lasagne... how could you forget my humungous orange plate of baby food? It matched your fluoro carrots! Nevertheless it worked well and soaked up my liquid refreshments. I hear PJ visited Waiheke this morning and plans a return trip ti NZ with his family to go skiing and shooting (of course)! Just taking it easy today but plan to be back on form in time to head to the cake tin. BO
It's the Soper Syndrome I tell you!!!
It's spread North to Auckland.
We can now add David Farrar to the list that Plunket is already on.
Big Oil Rocks for organising that one.
I think we need to discuss this wierd lefty chick....are the Irish Lass's words "curtain-raiser" a subtle clue? Did she also try to connect with Mr Farrar?
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