" Winston you are a liar, a crook and a c***t." Hooton.....
TVNZ sources say that Willie Jackson’s Eye to Eye tomorrow will be one of the most fiery TV debating shows ever seen in New Zealand.
Winston fronted up to the Green Room, last night to tape the show that airs on 11.30 on Sunday on TVNZ, thinking he would be up for a cosy chat with his mates Barry Soper and Chris Trotter.
He was high on hearing that the SFO had dropped criminal charges, but he was less than impressed when he realised that Jackson had decided to replace Trotter with Matthew Hooton.
Hooton won’t talk about the encounter but BustedBlonde’s media sources say that Winston tried to bluff his way out of appearing with Hooton, . saying there was no way he was going to be with someone who called him a liar.
Before they even got on air, we understand Hooton then called him a liar, a crook and a lying c***t straight to his face.
Anyway, things didn’t get much better on air, and the air was so blue Jackson had to stop the pair at one stage and re- record the show.
Our sources say that Winston always wins these debates on points but Hooton had him on the ropes more than once refusing to kowtow to the liar (our words)
Our sources say it was one of the most brutal encounters they had ever witnessed on NZ television.
It’s about time someone had the guts to try to stand up to Winston. The emperor has no clothes and the more people like Hooton who are prepared to tell him so to his face the better.
We can’t wait to see the programme. Remember, what we see will be the second take.
We reckon the original will be all over You tube by Sunday night...
Word of the day
13 hours ago
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