We here at Roarprawn are lost for words... Winston has just issued this media release
Helicopter Used For Travel During CampaignHe's mad.
Rt Hon Winston Peters says New Zealand First has used
helicopters for travel during two election campaigns – but not for campaigning itself.
Mr Peters said that the way a question was framed on Agenda
yesterday implied that he had used a helicopter to campaign from, which of course was ridiculous because of the physical impossibility of speaking to crowds in a noisy gale.
“We used a helicopter to travel and I do not deny that, but to suggest that I somehow stood at the door of a flying helicopter shouting at voters is preposterous. “We were campaigning – not deerstalking.
“This is just another media sideshow to divert voters from the real issues they face,” said Mr Peters.
Yep. Mad as a meat axe
I have thought Winston was loosing his marbles for quite a while. Listening to him in the house six months ago, he just didn't make sense.
Has the drink finally affected his memory, why else did he forget about the helicopter in the first place.
It was like the I was not at the Karaka Races photo, why lie when you can be found out so easily?
I see that the greens have just raised the stakes by saying they will not want to do a deal if Winston Peters has a chair the cabinet table.
Did they say cabinet, because if he is outside cabinet as he was before, then the GReen stance is meaningless
Adam you are right.
Damn, I hate engaging the mouth before the Brain. Mind you to have the greens say even that sends a pretty strong signal to the current prime-minister.
I love winston!
That is a great press release. He should have been a Jesuit priest. Tremendous angel on pinhead skills.
If he doesn't get re-elected can we find some public role for him - the entertainment value is priceless.
This explanation is unbelievably pathetic, he is just singing further into the self created mire of lies.
He has attempted to make wiggle room in the eye of a needle and anyone with an IQ above 50 will see through this explanation.
Good on the Greens, that refusal to sit with him (in OR outside cabinet) will really block lying Helen at the pass. That's presuming he even gets in on the list
here's the link to the CAA registration page for Heli ZK HFV....... as described in the herald story. the heli in question is the middle one (registration numbers get recycled when a aircraft is de-registered)
Now here is the interesting part (i've just had to re-read my air law text book), the certificate of registration is issued under the name of the owner. Th Civil Aviation Act defines owner as "any person lawfully entitled to the possession of the aircraft for 28 days or longer."
If an aircraft is hired or leased to anther organisationfor a period of 28 days or longer, the certificate of registration must be re-issued in the name of the person or organisation hiring or leasing the aircraft.
So here's what I think - the owner of that aircraft from 8/6/99 thru to 26/9/2000 was Vela. He leased the aircraft to Eurocopter International who had to re-register in their own name. And then the Velas would likely have used it as required, Eurocopter are legally responsible for maintenance (which is their main purpose in life), Velas just make the call and say "have the chopper ready for me at 10 o'clock"and it is. Velas still pay all the bills but have no ownership hassles (in a Civial Aviation sense).
Just a theory - but this is a very common system as the aircraft can be hired out to other people when the real owner no using it. For instance most aircraft at an aero club are actually owned by individuals and leased to the club who are then registered on CAA as the owner.
It seems ridiculous the Velas would import a new helicopter, own it for less than 3 months and then sell it to a helicopter sales/leasing/maintenance company..............
You guys have got it wrong again.
Helen has guaranteed him a job at the Un with her. He is going to join Comical Ali (Baghdad Bob in the USA)in the spin department.
Can't you just picture those two telling us why the world is freezing um warming and why we are all to blame
If Helen and the greens make it back into government, then I almost hope that Winston makes it back too. He's the only comic relief the people could expect to see among that dour lot.
So Busted Blonde, can we expect more Winnie scandals tomorrow?
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