Thursday, 13 November 2008


Ah tis bliss - but the liver is in a permanent state of quiver. Yesterday it was Dockside - including members of the Maori caucus of the VRWCNZ. Them fellas know how to drink.
A few weeks ago some of the top end restaurants were doing a bit of a starve but it seems that there is joy in the air again. We still reckon things are going to get real tough on the financial front - the markets tanked in the US last night and Key got some shitty but expected news from treasury yesterday but this week everyone seems to enjoying a bit of conspicuous consumption.

Note to Dockside - if you are charging over $30 for fish and chips then make sure the fish is v fresh - the gurnard was bloody awful. But we love the new maitre de - she is great. The service was fantastic. And the recommendation for Central Otago Rockburn Savignon Blanc was spot on.


Cactus Kate said...

What do we call you "Maocus VRWC"?

I take it you paced yourself better than I BB!!!

Anonymous said...

We all know that times are going to get rough..

The opening of the purses in restaurants at present is from..
Sheer bloody relief..