Tuesday, 14 April 2009


We occasionally dip into the dark side to see what the left is saying. The Standard the blog of spotty boys is all agog at Wellington businessman and successful restaurateur Mike Egan telling a recent local economic summit that if workers didn't shape up they would find workers who did.
He puts it like this.

Mr Egan, who runs five Wellington restaurants and a service apartment business, told about 100 people at a regional economic and employment summit that industries such as his that relied on youthful workers were now more consumer focused. "Whilst Generation Y has been analysed quite comprehensively and we think we may know what makes them tick, we have to make sure their expectations are tempered to match our expectations."

Concessions had been made in the past to match the labour shortage, but "if some of our employees cannot adapt fast enough we will drag them out of the cave and leave them to the sabre-tooth tigers and find staff who can and will adapt".

Anyway the little spotty boys are calling for a boycott of Mike's restaurants. Yeeha we say. The lefty wankers are low brow arrogant diners at best and trough feeders who wouldn't know a pad thai from a bad tie, at worst.

We are more than happy to support any restaurateur who wants to ensure the highest standards for his guests and that in turn ensures more people will dine at his restaurants and then he will make more money and, god forbid, hire more people. Can any little lefty wanker tell me what the hell is wrong with that?

For the record we think that Egan's restaurants are very bloody good and there is a a range of them from the cheap and cheerful Monsoon Poon to the elegant and iconic Boulcott St Bistro. . And for the record, we have dined at his restaurants and been served by the owner himself. He is that sort of hands on bloke - he leads by example.Just the sort of bugger we need to get this country kick started again. So to the wee spotty boys - go chow down at McDonalds - its where you belong. You are what you eat.

1 comment:

monkey boy said...

Except, given half a chance, most of them would be nicking cases of wine from any venue they are privileged enough to be invited to . . .