Friday 14 August 2009


Is someone looking to buy Kiwi Rail? We heard it is so.

Why do Metrolinks conductors, shovel everyone into a few carriages on the trains to the Wairarapa, leaving some empty ones then halfway thru the trip the conductors take turns at sleeping in them ?

Why does Metrolink only employ geriatric narcoleptic sociopaths as conductors?

Hasn't Dockside gone downhill?

Is everyone else proud of our SAS - who are so good at their jobs that they only get the most interesting assignments?

Would an 18kt dildo feel better than a rubbery one? And will the Saying " good as Gold" take on a new meaning?

Is Boris Hampton really an insider?

Who else is hanging out for a feed of whitebait?


Anonymous said...

Not hanging out for whitebait (still eating my waythrough last seasons)although I am looking forward to the new rseason

Anonymous said...

This time
Not hanging out for whitebait (still eating my way through last seasons)although I am looking forward to the new season

Anonymous said...

You missed out "where is Phil Gap" as they say there is no show without punch, I miss his earnest stupidity.