Tuesday, 21 October 2008


We could not believe our eyes when this rolled into our in box. It is an RFP from GETS which is the Govt tender process. Big PR firms and other government suppliers subscribe to it . In fact it sat in our in box for a while. And out of curiosity we opened it - and as we say often - bugger me.

It was a 54 page tender document for some campaigns for energy efficiency being run by the Electricity Commission - some of of it will be around subsidisation for commercial energy efficiency - which we have a philosophical issue with - but the stunner was by our reckoning between $8 - $10 million over two years to get you and me to change our bloody light bulbs. Yes - $8-10m. to - change- to - energy - efficient - light - bulbs.

Basically one of those big PR campaigns loved by the Nanny State to get you to change your behaviours that is often referred to as " Social Marketing."

We think this is bloody outrageous. Actually its more than outrageous its bloody near criminal.

This money could be better used in so many ways - That would buy a lot of herceptin.

Here is the estimate that the Commission gives the tenderers for the contract in the document

For the year ending 30 June 2009, the Commission has an appropriation of $12 million for electricity efficiency initiatives in the commercial and industrial sectors and for efficient lighting programmes.

The Commission currently estimates that up to $3.5 million will be available in 2008/09 for programmes arising out of this RFP and an RFP that was recently released for Industrial Motors Programmes.

Proposals submitted in response to this RFP will be assessed in conjunction with responses to the Industrial Motors RFP and the available funding will be applied to the proposals considered to best utilise the available funds.

For programmes that are anticipate to run beyond the current financial year, the Commission’s anticipated appropriation for electricity efficiency programmes for 2009/10 is $15 million across the three areas of commercial, industrial and lighting.

We think that this tender should be withdrawn immediately. It is quite simply an insult to the nations collective intelligence and the type of frivolous government spending that lurks in so many departments that the public never gets a chance to see.


Anonymous said...

This from across the Tasman is what our money will be funding...

So far the Electricity Commission in NZ has handed out a shitload of money to Energy Mad for a similar scheme!

Remember the EC money is taken from a levy on all of our power bills.

Light bulb giveaway a 'green farce'
Published by Streem -- Oct 13, 2008 5:58am
Updated Oct 14, 2008 8:34am AEST

A scheme which sees light bulbs given away in order to abate greenhouse has emissions is a green farce, it's critics say.

Under the scheme active in New South Wales, about $60 million has been spent on the energy efficient bulbs.

The bulbs are then given away and their emissions savings sold as abatement certificates.

However the cost of those certificates has now collapsed to less than a third of their value two-years ago.

A survey also found that most of the bulbs given out were never installed or used, meaning their potential emissions savings were never recognised.

"The Government paid $60 million for efficient lights to reduce carbon emissions, but no carbon was saved, because the lights were never installed," Liberal MP Michael Richardson is reported as saying.

"Before 2007 more than 9.5 million abatement certificates worth over $118 million were created for lightbulbs and shower heads. But half were wasted, with no carbon emissions saved."

homepaddock said...

The amount of money they're planning to waste is bad enough, advertising the contract this close to the election makes it worse.

Anonymous said...

You numbers don't make sense. You say $8-10m will be spent on light bulbs but then quote "that up to $3.5 million will be available in 2008/09 for programmes arising out of this RFP and an RFP that was recently released for Industrial Motors Programmes."

Note the 'and' in that quote. Also, much of the RFP appears focused on the commercial industrial sector and on the subsidising of actual replacement bulbs and technologies rather than PR.

Sounds like you are just hyping up the larger number that has no basis in fact.


euminedes said...

they dont make sense because the cant say exactly what the budget is but if you look at 12 mill plus 15 mill over two years - thats 27 mill and a third of that will be for the lightbulbs on reasonable expectation then it will be about a third will be for the PR crap....

bearing in mind the subsidy issue needs more scrutiny as well.

Anonymous said...


your numbers still don't make sense because you have significantly underestimated the budget on efficiency.

" third of that will be for the lightbulbs on reasonable expectation then it will be about a third will be for the PR crap.."

This sounds like you are guessing in which case your gues is as good as anyone's isn't it?


Anonymous said...

What a shocker! This incites me enough to make my first blog! Money would be better spent trying to educate consumers and key consumer advocates such as the AA and Consumers Institute about biofuels as it is now compulsory for oil companies to sell biofuels. Sources tell me they have put aside a few hundred thousand, and EECA has already spent that on a trial to get the Japanese car manufacturers to support more than 3% ethanol! Given the global views about biofuels, Kiwis deserve greater info and education.