But we all know Winston is - is this why Dail has been sent to oblivion on the party list?
Poor bugger.
Winston makes it quite clear in his blog that he thinks 13 NZ First candidates have a realistic chance of getting in. So by inference Jones at 14 wont make it and is not deemed worthy..
Time to spill the beans Dail - clear up the corruption in NZ First once and for all.
Graham Adams on NZ Herald
2 hours ago
I'm sure he isn't worried about it.
The whole party is going to oblivion on 8 November.
smttc - still no reason why he shouldn't speak up.
Go on Dail... purge yourself...you know where the bodies are buried... for the good of the country do it man... do it!!!
I'm sure BB and likeminded blogs will discreetly get your info out in the light where in needs to be!
He is delusional!
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