Tuesday, 11 November 2008


This just in from Diplomatic Prawn

On the agenda of the meeting on November 18, 2008, is the re-election of the director-general of the ILO, Mr. Juan Somavia from Chile for another five year term. Mr. Somavia is the single contender for the office.

The ILO headquarters in Geneva said in a press statement that a special guest, “Mr. Angel Gurria, Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, will address the Working Party on 17 November. The discussion is being held in the context of new estimates suggesting a significant increase in unemployment and the number of working poor due to the financial crisis”.

The ILO stated, “The serving Director-General, Juan Somavia is the single contender. As of 17 October, the final date for the presentation of candidatures, the Governing Body had not received any other candidates”. Mr. Somavia was first appointed D-G of the ILO in March 1999.

Well, we here at Roarprawn can think of someone who would be good for this job...


homepaddock said...
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homepaddock said...

I'd be happy to write a reference.