Thursday, 2 April 2009


Apparently. They are following Wally Stone and Andrew Harrision out the door. We are bleeding financial expertise at a time when we need it most.


Anonymous said...

Solomon Domination must cease immediately!
Solomon's failures under his leadership:
a fishing company & jet boating operation were all written off the balance sheets further to this Ngai Tahu Development Corporation was fazed out costing yet again millions of $'s in managed exits and redundancies the ex ceo of holdings was paid out handsomely - Harrison would of squeezed out at least a mil due to the leaked gray report --- stone will also benefit in time from that report!

Someone once said Tahu Potiki produced a cost benefit analysis of expenditure since settlement totaling 120 mil and that's why he got the chop like stone who only advised them against buying a church building in CCH.....

doe's anyway know exactly how much has been consumed & allocated by ceo's office since settlement?

Anonymous said...

to my understanding 100 million has been roughly distributed since settlement,,,,,

hasn't their also been a number of other acquisitions written off involving south & north island fishing companies - retail outlets - fishing boats - a joint venture partnership in the pacific islands and a early childhood centres in dunedin & christchurch.

while checking the companies register, richard parata was identified to have been a director on ngai tahu holdings board during the times of those failed seafood purchases some say that parata is now regarded as a failed company director and yesterdays fish & chip paper although he operates a website advocating ngai tahu stakeholder transparency?