Monday, 22 March 2010


The front page of the Dominion Post didn't make for nice reading this morning.

A flashy initiative with the lofty goal of developing some Maori business into successful exporters has turned out to be little more than a cash cow for some articulate consultants.

Personally we would love to be paid $30k for reading a few reports.

We love this bit

In another three-month period consultants received $33,000 for analysis and research including "developing a strategy for a clear strategy forward" and "ensuring offshore studies add value".

That bill was also for analysing "establishing soft network clusters" and "bigger picture value proposition", media articles, economic forecasts and working through issues with stakeholders.

It reminds us of the overblown pseudo academic bullshit we got with this

Who wouldn't mind being paid $30k for looking at a few documents?

We just wonder who the consultants are who have been sucking on this $3million dollar tit.

We are pleased that when TPK CE Comer realised that Tekau Plus was a bit ragged round the edges he put the brakes on.

Sometimes when you are CE is hard to keep a handle on whats happening down the trenches. So he deserves some credit for suspending it when he realised all he was getting was a lot of korero but not much mahi.

We still have reservations of the worth of the Maori Economic Development Taskforce as well. We do not need more korero from them - we need some concrete outcomes.

And we understand that if you like the Dominion Posts offering this morning then you will be getting more with your weetbix in the morning.

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