Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Is anyone else out there just a little concerned about the god like status that Obama has in the US?
Now we applauded the US for appointing an African - American to the Presidency. It probably would have been more historic it has been a native American but thats bye the bye. But the hype the rhetoric and the adulation is leaving us more than a little fearful. Not PC has a good analysis of the strong left wing bias that Barry has. It makes for disturbing reading.
The trade implications for NZ are also worrrying.

I hope for the sake of the US and the rest of the world that Barry delivers on the hopes dreams and the needs of his people. Sadly we think he will go down as the worst President in living memory.

Interestingly we just tried to search the net for recent stories that criticise Obama. The few that are there are months old. Is there a tool that can purge the net of negative stories ? Some bloggers are convinced the Chinese used a purging tool to ensure the world did not know the extent of the San Lu scandal. Could the US be doing the same?


Anonymous said...

Saying Obama has a "strong left-wing bias" is just symptomatic of the distorted right-wing bubble Roarprawn and Co live in. The entire US establishment is so far to the Right, Obama will be lucky to pull as far left as Rodney Hide, even if he wanted to. The only indicator of meaningful change under Obama so far has been tragic. The Zionist regime governing Israel obviously believe their leash will be tighter under the new regime, so had to squeeze in some quick atrocities to ensure they'd have plenty of retaliation to act outraged about over the next four years. Handy excuse to disenfranchise the arab parties in Israel, coming up to an election...
I don't think the Right have any need to be concerned about Obama. Might learn a few new tricks.

Anonymous said...

The Obamania is actually quite scary. When was the last time any political figure got this kind of unfettered adulation? What will it lead to? Where will it end? Personally, I can't see it ending in anything but tears. There's simply no human capable of living up to this sort of hyped expectation.

Anonymous said...

"Barry" Obama will need to get cracking if his intention is to head out George W Bush as the worst American President in living memory.

Anonymous said...

I'm an a-political creature (neither "right" nor "left" in conventional terms) and yet, from what little media coverage I get to see, have this horrible sense of observing the beginning of my nightmares . . .


Anonymous said...

Anon are you on crack??!

Obama DOES have a srong left wing bias, check out his background the the sorts of people he freely chose to associate with in his past.

Comparing him to Rodney Hide is one of the sillier thing I've read on the blogoshpere lately.