Today we posted our 1000th post. that's a thousand vignettes, essays, commentary, breaking news, insights, satire, piss taking, pictures, humour , outrage and a few facts for good measure.
We have had 85,585 visitors since September 7 2008. We also had 4500 logged on another counter prior to that and the first two weeks we had no counter so we are heading close to the 100,000 visitors but the Sitemeter of 85,585 is our official count.
Most popular posts have been Stephen Jennings, Anything on Winston, brothels, rugby, million Dollar catch, Fonterra, Shane Jones and Bill Liu, and scampi. And spies, we have quite a few people who are keen to hear about spies.
We started on the 11 of August. with this
Well this is all a bit new- I've been posting for a while but its time to unleash my limited wit and wisdom on the world. Blogging offers such a great intellectual bonfire on which to burn our vanitiesI was a journalist - not a bad one I suppose and I know i still think like one. and thats an interesting point cos so many of todays journos dont think like journalists but many bloggers do so that why I think I am comfortable opining in this ether.I'm in PR - although I hate that term. We do communications - good, bad, simple or sophisticated that is all it really is.I love politics and I am def right of centre but the National party does piss me off sometime.I am foodie and a very committed militant carnivore.Im not all that well connected but I do know the odd person who is .Anyway what is piqueing my interest is the winston dramas. He is the spot that needs outed.So with this blog I do pledge info on food - especially how to cook raw prawns,info on wellington gossip, and well a well placed comment on anything that rocks my dinghy.So thats how it started. Its been fun. We helped get rid of Winston, got addicted to blogging, met some amazing new people with common interests. And we plan to continue on. Maybe get a little bigger and we will never lose our sense of humour, the journalists need to know and the love of new information and the weird and insatiable desire to tell someone else what we know and think. And thanks to all those who have helped on the way, Whetu Chini, The Rugby prawn, the dining prawn, the hairy oyster, spaz, big oil, the irish lass,
the Tazzy devil, bob from the Bluff, steamy boy and many many others.
Oh and VRWC - the best show in town.
Go the Prawn! Congratulations from your online whanau.
Congratulations, looking forward to the next 1000.
You have definitely been busy, - well done.
Congratulations BB - you are a daily must-read! Keepp the goss flowing!
yup, you are on the must read list. Keep up the good work!
Congrats indeed.
Well done blonde girl, you do make a difference. Salut.
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