Literally - errkkk . This one is definitely up Cactus's alley. Students on orienteering in Southland drink bull sperm so they can get free beer.... Go figure.
And in fine Southland tradition the students showed they aren't quitters or spitters - they swallowed.
No burnt sperm here
Not bad blokes for sheilas huh.
You can take the sheila out of Southland, but . . . (you know the rest)
Disgusting. I'm starting to believe all the legends down South about shagging sheep.
Noooo, thats the guys from Lincoln and Massey (the real one in Palmy North).
I watched the representatives of the latter university compete in various chunder miles in the early '80s. Talk about some sick puppies. The way things are going they are probably captains of industry or in charge of government departments now.
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