We had a great day at the sevens. It was good to catch up with people we hadn't seen for a while. the crowd heaved with good humour and the lengths that some people go to to dress up is mind boggling.
We had a very average lunch at the Dockside choosing pork belly which should be all sticky and moist and gooey and melty but it was dry and bordering on cold and the potatoes were overcooked as well. However the company was great.
But Dockside was the place to be to watch the crowds migrate their way to the stadium along the waterfront. Arabs and tutus seemed to dominate. The Loaded Hog was pulsing with hundreds of people enjoying the great weather and the costumes. It is staggering to see the number of normally staid men dress up as women. Sadly, the fun police were out in force at the Stadium removing all helmets and plastic swords, and a few other bits and pieces. We also think that just about every bar and restaurant was surcharge free. That raises a very interesting point - if it was good enough for all bars and restaurants not to charge it why the hell did the Stadium continue to charge it? ? What did happen was the people were tanking up on the way to the stadium so they didn't spend much while they were there.
John Key showed that one of his finest attributes is his ability to think on his feet and judge the moment. After being jostled by protestors - he then adopts a couple of kids and tells the crowd that the future is all about them. It was a wonderful gesture, from the heart that will be the enduring memory for many at Waitangi.
We have talked to many Maori and everyone is just simply ashamed at what happened. It was also very unexpected. Everyone was very relaxed about this Waitangi day so the protestors came out of left field.
Why the Treaty can never be supreme law
5 hours ago
But did Dockside have the cheapest Bubbles in town by $10 a bottle. ( Provided you had written proof of the other bars offer)
John Key was just doing with those two kids what men and women used to being with children do naturally He included them.
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